Skanssi´s contact information
Info point
Skanssi´s info point is located by the central plaza at the 1st floor
The information point serves:
Mon-Sat 12-18
Sun closed
Contact information
040 195 3742 (during the opening hours of the shopping center)
Info point services:
Helpdesk services (inquiries, assistance, etc.)
Gift card sales
Lost and found items
Taxi orders
Wheelchair or rollator lending
You can also borrow an umbrella or a bike pump
The info point number cannot transfer calls directly to the stores. Please see each store’s own page for the direct phone numbers.
You can purchase multiple gift cards with one transaction at the info point. If you use the gift card machine, each card must be purchased separately. Read more here.
Contact information of the shopping centre office
Leasing of Retail Units
Contact the shopping center manager.