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Kampaamo-Myymälä Clips

A trendy hair salon and hairdressing product store for the whole family.

Hairdressing store Clips is a trendy barber-hairdressing salon for the whole family with extended opening hours. To ensure successful home care of your hair, our store has a wide and high-quality product selection. You can also book your appointment online here.

Opening hours
Mo-Fr 0820
Sa 0819
Su 1019
Shops contact info

Floor plan

Shops offers

  • Kampaamo-Myymälä Clips

    3+1 etu!

    Osta 4 tuotetta, maksa vain 3. Kaikki tuotteet kuuluvat AINA 3+1 etuun.

    Muistathan mahtavien tuotetarjousten lisäksi 3+1 edun!