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Tempur Brand Store

AVATAAN SKANSSIIN PE 14.7.2023 Tempur Brand Store on nukkumisen ja unen erikoisliike.

Welcome to TEMPUR Brand Store, a sleep specialty store, where you can get everything you need for restorative sleep. Here you can find high-quality and individually suitable sleeping aids. You will also be assisted by experts in sleep ergonomics, who will help map out the solutions that are right for you.

A trained sleep ergonomics expert is ready to individually choose bed, mattress, pillow, blanket and other product solutions that support your sleep ergonomics and that maintain and promote your functional ability. In addition, we help you with key sleep care questions.

Studies show that Finnish TEMPUR users experience better sleep quality than users of other mattress brands.* They also report greater customer satisfaction and brand loyalty compared to users of other mattress brands.* TEMPUR is recommended by the Sleep Association and the Back Association - so choose the best for your back and sleep!

Stop by our store or make an appointment for a free survey at a time that suits you. The person booking the appointment will also receive a gift (value up to €109) and coffee. See you at Tempur!

*Based on a consumer survey conducted in 2021 and 2022 with more than 1,300 mattress owners in Finland. Calculated by comparing the overall top scores of TEMPUR® mattress owners for sleep quality, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty with the top scores of the nearest competitor. Closest Competitor means the closest competitor based on interview scores only.

Opening hours
Mo-Fr 1020
Sa-Su 1019

Floor plan

Shops offers

    Tempur Brand Store

    TEMPUR Original -tyyny -20€

    TEMPUR Original tyyny kylkinukkujalle nyt kampanjahintaan -20€ normaalihinnasta! Hinta alkaen 109 € (norm. 129 €).
    Tempur Brand Store

    TEMPUR Sänkypaketin ostajalle patjat -20%

    Hyvä uni on lahja, joka jatkaa antamistaan yöstä toiseen.

    Panosta palauttavampiin uniin! TEMPUR sänkypaketin ostajalle nyt patjat -20% normaalihinnasta.
    Tempur Brand Store

    Mouse -valaisin 67 € (norm. 83 €)

    Mouse -valaisimia rajoitettu erä Tempur Brand Store Skanssissa!

    Ilahduta itseäsi tai ystävää Selettin valloittavalla Mouse -valaisimella!
    Tempur Brand Store

    Joulun palauttavimmat paketit Tempurilta

    Asiantuntijamme myymälässä on apunasi sopivan lahjan valinnassa. Tervetuloa jouluostoksille Tempur Brand Storeen! 🎅

    Lahja, joka jatkaa antamistaan, yö toisensa jälkeen. 🎁 Joulun palauttavimmat paketit löydät Tempurilta!